Interface MessageOnError

All Known Subinterfaces:
Checkbox<T>, Criterion<T>, Input<T>, InputControl<T>, MultiCheckbox<T>, MultiInput<T>, MultiSelect<T>, Radio<T>, Select<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCriterion, AbstractInputControl, Accept, AcceptString, And, CheckboxImpl, Email, ExactLength, InputImpl, Length, Max, MaxLength, Min, MinLength, MultiCheckboxImpl, MultiInputImpl, MultiSelectImpl, Or, PostcodeCA, RadioImpl, Range, Regex, SelectImpl, StartsWith, ZipCode

public interface MessageOnError

A description of an object's invalid state.

armandino (at)

Method Summary
 String getOnError()
          Returns a message describing an error or an empty string if there was no error.
 void setOnError(String messageOnError)
          Sets a message to be displayed on error.

Method Detail


String getOnError()
Returns a message describing an error or an empty string if there was no error.


void setOnError(String messageOnError)
Sets a message to be displayed on error.

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